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디젤엔진 매연색의 종류와 원인

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중국산(모조)터보, 중고터보는 취급하지 않습니다.

차대번호로 문의을 하면 보다 상세한 정보를 제공할 수 있습니다.


디젤엔진에서 유색 연기가 나올 때는 즉시 점검을 받는 것이 좋습니다.

원인제공의 대부분이 카본의 축적에 있습니다. 터보차저에도 나쁜 영향을 미칩니다.


  무언인가 문제가 있는 디젤엔진에서 매출되는 연기에는 3가지의 색깔(검정, 쳥색(푸른색), 흰색)이 있습니다.

  기본적으로 디젤엔진에서 색깔있는 매연(유색연)이 나온다는 것은 무엇인가 잘못되었다는 것을 나타냅니다.

 문제가 현재 있거나 계속해서 진행된다는 것을 의미하는 것으로 잠재적으로 엔진수명을 단축 할 가능성이 큽니다.


 유색연이 발견되었다는 것은 단기간이든 장기적으로나 모두 수리비를 절약할 수 있는 기회로 생각하는 것이 타당합니다.

 적어도, 유색연은 불완전한 연소 효율을 나타내는 것으로( 예를 들어, 시동을 걸고 바로 출발하거나 짧은 거리를 반복적으로 주행하여 엔진등에 카본이 축적되는 현상등)

 간단한 문제가 원인일 수도 있습니다. 이를 무시하다가 치명적인 엔진고장 (예 : 피스톤 고착 , 밸브 또는 터보 차저의 고장 )가 발생할수도 있는 것입니다.

 따라서 유색연은 큰 비용을 들이지 않고 수리할 수 있는 마지막 기회가 될 수있는 것입니다.


 상태가 좋은디젤 엔진은 배기에서 눈에 띄는 유색연이 없어야합니다.

 아주 짧은 시간에 악셀을 깊게 밟으면 매연이 조금 나올수 있으나 요즘의 디젤엔진기술은은 터보차저의 속도와 공기흐름이 실린더에 주입되는 연료량을 정확하게 일치시킬 수 있습니다. 따라서 유색연이 분명 없어야 하는 것이 타당합니다.

매연의 색깔로 원인을 알아봅니다.

*원문은 한글로 번역하기에 적당한 용어를 찾지 못하여.....


검은색매연은 디젤엔진에서 가장 많이 보이는 현상으로 불완전연소(incomplete combustion of the fuel)상태를 나타냅니다.

다시 말하면 분사되는 연료에 대한 충분하지 못한 공기량을 말합니다.

연료분사량이 충분하지 못하거나 공급되는 공기량이 작다는 것을 의미합니다.

대부분의 경우는 인젝트불량, 인젝트펌프불량, 에어필터오염이나 이와 관련된 통로의 막힘이나 누설, EGR고장, 터보차저고장을 생각하시면 됩니다.

좀 더 세부적으로 보면 아래와 같습니다.



원인은 아주 다양한데....

부정확한 연료분사 타이밍(Incorrect fuel injection timing)  .. 대개 지연분사가 원인
연료펌프의 손상 또는 부정확한 세팅(Fuel injection pump wear, or incorrect settings) .. 대개 지연분사가 원인

Faulty cold start, or faulty advance/retard mechanisms

Incorrect air/fuel ratio setting .. excessive fuel to air ratio. 과다연료분사
Under-performing turbocharger .. pressure low. 터보차저작동불량
Dirty or worn fuel injectors .. commonly carbon deposits affecting spray pattern. 인젝트불량
Carbon deposits in combustion chambers .. common in lightly loaded engines.
Excessive carbon build-up around exhaust valves and exhaust spaces. 배기시스템에 과도한 카본축적
Sticking piston rings .. often due to carbon deposits.
Glazed cylinder cross-hatch .. due to carbon deposits.
Incorrect valve clearances .. often timing error when replacing cam-belts.
Faulty valve stem seals .. rarely.
Engine wear in general .. often misdiagnosed when carbon deposits are the real problem.
Engine oil viscosity too low .. check oil grade against operating conditions.
Cool operating temperatures .. coolant should reach 85C, or higher. Check thermostats.
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system faulty, or blocked with carbon.
Engine overloaded .. reduce load, use lower gear, clean anti-foul, change propellor pitch.
High altitude operation .. lack of oxygen to complete fuel burn.
Dirty or restricted air cleaner systems .. air intake filter partially blocked.
Poor quality fuel.

Black smoke can occur across the entire operating range, but is usually worst under full power, or during the lag before the turbocharger boosts air supply to match the fuel usage such as in the early stages of acceleration and during gear changes. Moderate turbo lag smoke may be acceptable, otherwise black smoke should be hardly visible in a correctly running engine.

Obviously, worn or damaged components must be replaced .. the earlier you identify and fix the problem, the less damage will be done. Keep on top of engine tune issues, including valve adjustments, regular servicing of air, fuel and oil filters. Do not buy fuel from suspect outlets. Dirty engine components, such as fuel injectors can be easily restored to full cleanliness by using an effective and reliable fuel system cleaner.


Black smoke is high in carbon or soot, which is an undesirable product of diesel combustion. The combustion of diesel is a complicated process of breaking down the various hydrocarbon fuel molecules into progressively smaller and smaller molecules, by extremely rapid burning (explosion) in the presence of oxygen. The main and ideal end products of combustion are CO2 (carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas) and water. It is believed that the last step in the process is carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) to carbon dioxide. This is also the slowest step by far and when combustion conditions deteriorate some upstream bottle necking occurs in the chain of combustion reactions. This results (according to some authorities) in polymerization of smaller partly burnt molecules into much larger ones, which become visible as soot, or black smoke.

BLUE SMOKE(청색연-밝은 야외에서 약간의 푸른색이 도는 매연)


Blue smoke is caused by engine lubricating oil burning.(청색연은 연소실에서 엔진오일이 타면서 나는 현상입니다) 




The oil can enter the combustion chamber from several sources including 
Worn valve guides, or seals(벨브가이드나 실링손상)
Cylinder or piston ring wear(실린더나 피스톤 링 손상)
Cylinder glaze
Piston ring sticking
An incorrect grade of oil. too thin and getting past rings, or valves guides(점도가 규정보다 낮은 엔진오일사용)
Fuel dilution of the oil, making it too thin.

Blue smoke is often evident at cold start, which can reflect reduced oil control due to carbon fouling deposits around the piston rings and/or cylinder glaze (which is actually carbon deposited in the machined cylinder crosshatching. These tiny grooves actually hold a film of oil, which in turn completes the seal between the combustion chamber and the oil wetted crankcase).

Blue smoke should not be evident at any stage.
An engine may burn oil without the evidence of blue smoke, because good compression burns oil quite cleanly, however, it is not acceptable for any new engine, or engine in good internal condition to burn large amounts of lubricating oil.

Once again, restore physical cleanliness to all components. Replace worn parts where necessary. In some situations, where the engines are pretty worn, but you just need to keep them in service, cleaning with the previously mentioned products, followed by effective additional anti-wear protection, will reduce internal stresses on all those tired components, providing extended service life.

WHITE SMOKE(백연-흰색매연)

White smoke is caused by raw, unburnt fuel passing into the exhaust stream.(백연은 연소되지 않은 연료가 배기를 지나면서 발생합니다)




Common causes include 
Incorrect fuel injection timing(인젝트분사시기가 맞지 않을 때)
Defective fuel injectors(인젝트 불량)
Low cylinder compression(실린더 압축비가 낮을 떄)

Low cylinder compression may be caused by leaking valves, sticking piston rings, ring wear, cylinder wear, or cylinder glaze.
When white smoke occurs at cold start and then disappears as the engine warms up, the most common causes are fouling deposits around piston rings and/or cylinder glazing.
 ontinuous evidence of white smoke indicates a mechanical defect, or incorrect fuel timing.
 Water entering combustion spaces will also create white smoke. Faulty head gaskets and cracked cylinder heads or blocks are a common cause of water entry .. unfortunately, expensive mechanical repair is the only proper solution here.