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터보차저고장원인과 조치사항(Fault Finding Turbo Problems)<명준 Turbo ATD>

터보차저의 고장원인과 조치사항을 간략하게 알아봅니다.

터보관련문의: 010 6294 3481

정품신품터보와 터보엑츄에이터

중국산터보, 모조터보, 중고터보는 취급하지 않습니다.

차대번호 또는 엔진형식으로 문의하시면 정확한 정보를 드릴수 있습니다.


터보고장원인은 매우 다양합니다.

가장 큰 원인은 엔진오일의 불량 및 오염, 이물질의 유입입니다.


정비는 항상 결과보다 원인을 파악하는 것이 먼저입니다.

터보부품의 손상을 보고 그 원인을 대략적이나마 알수가 있습니다. 터보를 보면 엔진의 상태를 알수가 있습니다. 맵핑의 흔적도 알수 있습니다.


1. 손상된 터보부품으로 판단


1) Impact Damage(외부 이물질 유입에 따른 손상)


Impact damage caused by foreign material entering the turbine housing or compressor housing is clearly visible on the turbine wheel or impeller.
Never continue to operate a turbocharger with damaged blades as the rotor balance will be aected and this could impact its service life.

손상된 터보로 계속 운행을 하면 터보본체의 훼손뿐만 아니라 기타 부품에 악 영항을 미칩니다.


2) Insufficient Oil Supply(부적절한 오일 공급)


Insufficient oil supply can be attributed to the following:
Re-fitting a turbocharger without adequate priming.
Long periods of non-use.
Broken or restricted oil feed pipe.
Low engine oil pressure due to malfunctioning lubrication system.
Low or no oil in sump.
The use of sealants, which can restrict the oil flow.
Not priming a replacement oil filter with new oil.
If this cannot be done then crank the engine with no fuel to establish oil pressure.
Do not exceed idle conditions until oil pressure is established.


3) Dirt in Oil(오염된 오일)


Dirty oil damages the turbocharger by causing heavy scoring of critical bearing surfaces.

To avoid damage, oil and filters should be of a quality recomended by OEM.

These should be changed when a new turbocharger is fitted and at regular intervals according to the vehicle/engine manufacturer's specification.


Dirty oil damage could result from:
Blocked, damaged, or poor quality oil filter.
Dirt introduced during servicing.
Engine wear or manufacturing debris.
Malfunctioning oil filter by-pass valve.
Degraded lubrication oil.


4) Carbon build-up(카본 누적)


Failure from excessive exhaust temperatures or hot shut down of the engine results in carbon build-up.

 It is recommended that you idle the engine for 2 to 3 minutes to cool the bearing system before shutting down.

 Turbine end heat soaks into the bearing housing results in oil carbonization and corrosion of the bearing system.

The main damage occurs to the shaft seal ring and grooves, turbine end bearing, and bearing housing oil drain cavity blockage.


Carbon build-up can be caused by:
The hot shutdown of the engine.
Degraded oil quality carbonizing in service.
Infrequent oil change intervals causing oil breakdown in service.
Air and gas leaks.
Faulty fuel injector pump/injectors.


2. 엔진증상에 따른 선조치사항


1) Excess Smoke(과도한 매연)

Caused by:
• Dirty air cleaner.
• Air intake system restriction.
• Cracked mounting flange/gasket missing.
• Fuel pump/injectors/valve timing incorrectly set.
• Wastegate mechanism set incorrectly.
• Turbocharger damaged.


2) Engine Lacks Power(엔진출력부족)

Caused by:
• Dirty air cleaner.
• Air intake system restriction.
• Cracked mounting flange/gasket missing.
• Exhaust for foreign object restriction.
• Fuel pump/injectors/valve timing incorrectly set.
• Burnt valves and/or pistons.
• Turbocharger damaged.


3) Noisy/Whistling(소음/휘파람소리)

Often the noise comes from air/gas leakage due to pre-turbine exhaust gas or air/boost leaks.
Check all joints - if the noise continues check turbocharger clearances and wheels for housing contact.


4) Seized/Sluggish

If the turbocharger rotor assembly has seized or is tight to rotate, this is often due to lubricating oil degradation, which can cause a high build-up of
carbon in the bearing housing interior restricting rotation. Insufficient or an intermittent drop in oil pressure can cause the rotor to seize, as can
introducing dirt into the lubricating oil.


5) Worn/Excessive Clearance

A turbocharger has specific axial and radial rotor clearances.

These are sometimes misdiagnosed as ‘worn bearings’.

 If the clearances are out of specification the cause could be attributed to a lubricating oil problem, i.e. insufficient oil, dirt ingress, oil contamination with coolant.



3. 항목별 점검표


1)Engine lacks power(엔진출력 부족)




Worn internal engine components

Repair engine as required

Fuel system defective or incorrectly adjusted

Replace or adjust faulty components

Low boost

Check wastegate / Boost Valve and actuator operation

Damaged turbocharger

Determine the reason for failure - replace turbo

Air filter blocked

Replace air filter

Air pipe into turbo restricted

Replace pipe

Air pipe from filter to turbo leaking

Check hoses for splits and tighten hose clips

Air pipe from turbo to inlet manifold leaking

Check hoses and intercooler for leaks and replace if broken or cracked

Ignition timing incorrectly adjusted

Check and reset

Blockage in the exhaust system

Replace silencers or catalytic converter

Exhaust gas leaking from manifold

Replace gasket or manifold - check bolts for tightness


2)Turbo noisy(터보차저 소음)

Damaged turbocharger

Determine the reason for failure - replace turbo

Air pipe into turbo restricted

Replace pipe

Air pipe from filter to turbo leaking

Check hoses for splits and tighten hose clips

Air pipe from turbo to inlet manifold leaking

Check hoses and intercooler for leaks and replace

Carbon build-up in turbo bearing housing

Change engine oil and filter-overhaul or replace turbo

Blockage in the exhaust system

Replace silencers or catalytic converter

Exhaust gas leaking from manifold

Replace gasket or manifold - check bolts for tightness


3)Excessive engine oil consumption(급격한 엔진오일 소모)

Worn internal engine components

Repair engine as required

Fuel system defective or incorrectly adjusted

Replace or adjust faulty components

Damaged turbocharger

Determine the reason for failure -replace turbo

Air filter blocked

Replace air filter

Air pipe into turbo restricted

Replace pipe

Incorrect operation of the crankcase breather system

Check breather hoses, pipes, and one-way valves as per manufacturers recommendations

Carbon build-up in turbo bearing housing

Change engine oil and filter-replace turbo

Air pipe from turbo to inlet manifold leaking

Check hoses and intercooler for leaks and replace