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VNT DualBoost Technology과 Gasoline DualBoost 터보처저<명준 Turbo ATD>

DualBoost Technology

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신품정품터보( 착한 가격 )판매

터보는 정품으로 사용하는 것이 연비와 출력에 손해를 보지 않습니다. 비정상적인 터보와 20%의 차이를 보입니다.

비정상적인 중국산터보, 모조터보,중고터보는 취급하지 않습니다.

요즘 신형차에 부착되는 터보는 이전의 터보와는 완연히 다른 부품이 많이 사용됩니다.

DualBoost Technology라는 새로운 터보차저를 살펴봅니다

 1. VNT DualBoost Technology 

2009년에 가렛트 하니엘의 홈페이지에 간략하게 이런 기사가 뜹니다.

Honeywell has unveiled its groundbreaking VNT DualBoost turbocharger on Ford’s all-new 6.7-Liter V-8 Power Stroke diesel engine.

Honeywell’s newest single turbo technology delivers turbo benefits approaching those from dual-stage configuration.

(새로운 싱글터보기술이 듀엘스테이지터보의 장점을 가진다)


6.7-Liter V-8 Power Stroke diesel engine 사진




6.7L Power Stroke
Displacement: 406 ci
Bore x Stroke (inches): 3.90 x 4.25
Configuration: V-8
Compression Ratio: 16.2:1
Engine Block: Deep-skirt, compacted graphite iron (CGI)
Cylinder Heads: Aluminum, reverse-flow coolant circuit
Valvetrain: Four overhead valves (OHV), four rocker arms, and four pushrods per cylinder
Oil Capacity: 13 quarts
Injection System: Bosch electronic high-pressure common-rail (30,000 psi max.)
Injection Pump: Bosch CP4.2
Injectors: Bosch piezo
Turbocharger: Garrett single sequential (SST) with variable-geometry (VGT) exhaust housing, two compressor wheels, and two inducers

싱글 시컨셜(SST)이란 새로운 용어가 보입니다. 두개의 컴프레셔 훨과 두개의 인듀서
Charged Air Cooling:
Emissions Equipment: Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), diesel oxidation catalyst, selective catalyst reduction (SCR) utilizing urea injection, and diesel particulate filter (DPF)
Biodiesel Compatibility Rating: B20
Horsepower: 390 hp at 2,800 rpm
Torque: 735 lb-ft at 1,600 rpm
Engine Weight: 970 pounds 


요런 차에 달린 엔진

엔진 뒷쪽면 사진과 터보차저 위치 




single sequential (SST) with variable-geometry (VGT) exhaust housing, two compressor wheels, and two inducers




화살표를 보시면 두개의 컴프레셔훨이 마주보고 있는 형상으로 두개가 보입니다.


 참고로 아래그림은 일반적인 VNT터보 컴프레셔훨이 하나입니다. 아래위 사진을 유심히 비교해 보십시요 .


 보는김에 터보차저명칭도 봅니다. 역시나 컴프레셔훨이 단면에 하나입니다.

A. Compressor wheel
B. Turbine wheel
C. Variable vanes
D. Exhaust turbine housing
E. Compressor housing
F. Backplate
G. Turbo shaft
H. Oil-supply line
I. Water cooling line


VNT DualBoost Technology 참고동영상입니다. 

볼베어링방식입니다. 상용차에 점차로 적용을 시키는 것을 보면 내구성문제도 어느정도 확보가 된듯한 느낌입니다


사실 DualBoost turbocharger 란 개념은 공장용이나 산업용터빈에서 오래전부터 사용을 한 기술입니다. 이를 축소하여 자동차용터보에 응용을 한 것이 기술이죠..

아래는 발전소용 터빈입니다. 컴프레서훨이 한두개가 아닌 복열로 구성되어 있습니다.


Honeywell은 기술적인 부분을 서술해 놓았습니다.(관심있는 분만 읽으시기 바랍니다)

제 느낌에는 기존의 기술을 더 정밀하게 응용. 강화를 한 것 같은데......

 DualBoost combines the vane cartridge concept used on our latest 3rd Generation VNT™ turbos, which separates the turbine housing from the vane assembly for improved reliability and performance, with the variable vane assembly of the AVNT™ (Advanced VNT), which has proved such a reliable performer with our US customers. In addition, the turbine housing incorporates a single wastegate valve to enable the use of an even smaller turbine for improved response at low engine speed while further widening flow capability.


The control for the variable vanes is also different to that used on passenger car turbos, as it is electro-hydraulic. The actuator is a powerful hydraulic unit, integrated into the center housing casting, which uses engine oil acting on a power piston to move the vanes through an internal rack and pinion gear. The flow of oil to the actuator is controlled by a variable solenoid valve, which receives its demand signals directly from the vehicle ECU via a single electrical connector.

The high powered actuator is needed on this application because the engine runs with very high levels of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) in order to comply with the latest US emissions regulations. The variable vanes can be moved towards the closed position on demand, which increases the back pressure in the exhaust manifold and literally “drives” the inert exhaust gas back towards the lower pressure in the air inlet manifold to help reduce regulated emissions. This is only possible using a VNT with a high powered actuator.


The torque from the turbine wheel is transmitted to the compressor with minimal power losses, due to the use of an advanced angular contact ball bearing system. This uses light weight, low inertia and highly durable ceramic balls at both ends of the cartridge, performing the combined functions of a journal bearing and thrust bearing system in a single compact assembly. The ball bearing systems have derived from many years of experience gained in our highly successful race/rally/performance turbo range; proven repeatedly in numerous World Rally and Le Mans series wins!


Unusually, the turbo in this application sits on its own integral pedestal in the middle of the Vee, on top of the engine. The pedestal and turbo also include quick connectors for oil and coolant, ensuring that installation and servicing can be completed easily and quickly.


Finally, to ensure that the oil, air and exhaust gas stay where they should be,  piston rings are used at both the turbine and compressor ends, with the latter being pressurized by air. This is fed directly from the compressor’s diffuser section, to ensure efficient sealing under all running conditions.


신기술이니 몇가지 장점이 있습니다. 장점은 가솔린 DualBoost 터보차저와 동일한 것 같습니다.



2. Gasoline DualBoost Turbochargers

 근래에 들어 신형터보가 계속 개발이 되고 신형차 설계단계부터 터보차저회사가 참여를 하는 형식이 많은 것 같습니다.

이 신터보도 자동차제조업체와 엔진개발단계부터 염두에 두고 한 것인지는 모르겠습니다. 제조사들이 이터보를 언제 채용을 할지 안 할지는 알수가 없는 것이죠..

예로 볼베어링방식이 저널방식보다 잇점이 많음에도 불구하고 내구성이란 아직 검증되지 않은 부분때문인지 상용차에는 거의 채용이 되지 않는다는 것을 보면 알수 있습니다. 그만큼 제조사들이 보수적으로 접근을 한다고 보면 됩니다.


  가렛트하니엘에서 디젤 DualBoost개발이후 가솔린신형터보(DualBoost)도 만듭니다.

위글에서 본바 처럼 기존 디젤 DualBoost터보(Ford Powerstroke 6.7L V8 diesel engine 에 부착)에서 이제 가솔린 DualBoost터보를 개발한거죠..

무게와 배출가스량은 줄이면서 출력과 연비를 향상시킬수 있다고 합니다.


기술의 핵심은 compressor technology 인데 싱글터보로 거의 투스테이지터보의 성능을 보입니다.(이는 디젤 DualBoost터보어서도 마찬가지입니다)


장점은 아래와 같습니다.

 1) 투스테이지터보는 터보가 두개 필요합니다. 터보랙이 없으면서 출력이 아주 잘 나옵니다. 그러나 부착공간의 제약을 받고 구조가 복잡하여 고장빈도가 높은 편입니다.

투스테이지터보의 장점을 싱글 DualBoost터보로 해결하였다는 것입니다.

 2)터보차저도 신형차의 엔진처럼

downsizing(무게는 줄이고) reduced exhaust emissions(배기가스의 양이 적게 나오게),

반면에  improved fuel economy and reliability(연비는 향상시키면서 신뢰성이 보장)을 한다는 것입니다.

 하지만 개인적인 생각으로는 신뢰성에서는 조금 의문이 듭니다. 다는 아니지만 몇몇 특정신형터보는 원가절감때문인지, 설계상의 문제인지, 글로벌화 되어 부품은 전세계에서 나누어 만들고 이를 모아서 조립를 하다보니 조금씩의 문제가 생기지 것이 아닌가 합니다. 




한편 더 (장점을 잘 설명하고 있습니다)

컴프레서훨이 2개가 보입니다.


 아래 그림과 같은 개념입니다. axial turbine이라 지칭합니다.


 장점요소 한두가지만 봅니다. 여유가 있을 때 좀더 세세하게 정리해 보겠습니다.


실용토크가 나오는 시간이 기존의 터보보다 짧습니다.


연비가 좋습니다.


 2012년에 신기술세미나에서 아래와 같이 가솔린 DualBoost터보를 아래와 같이 요약합니다.

항상 장점만 이야기하죠......

has equivalent steady-state and fuel economy to a conventional turbo(기존터보에 비해 출력이 고르고 연비향상)  
has superior low speed transient efficiencies(저속에서의 효율성)   
has 50% less inertia compared to a conventional turbocharger(저마찰) 
uses only conventional materials and simple fixed geometry(기존재료사용과 간편한 로더조정)
  이로 인해 아래의 효과를 본다고 합니다.
accelerate 2 times faster than its benchmark competitor  
provide more than 25% reduction in „time to torque‟ at low engine speeds  
deliver more than 20% more torque after the first second of a high gear transient


참고로 아래는 가렛트하니엘이 공개한 기술 선전

Gasoline DualBoost turbo technology ushers in a new concept in gasoline turbocharging that significantly improves ‘time-to-torque’ while delivering impressive steady-state performance. For the first time in automotive history, gasoline DualBoost employs an axial turbine more commonly found in aerospace applications, and couples it with a dual-sided compressor first introduced in diesel applications by Honeywell.

Engine Range
Honeywell gasoline DualBoost turbo can be used on two types of engines: those with a focus on fuel economy through engine downsizing and down speeding and those with a focus on performance enhancement. It is mostly suited for engines with a displacement of 1.4L and above.

Key Features
While turbos in production today generally feature radial turbines, in which the air flows in vertically and exits horizontally, the latest gasoline turbo technology from Honeywell uses the industry’s first axial turbine with air flowing in horizontally and exiting in the same direction. While axial turbines are common in Aerospace, adapting them for automotive applications has required some serious out-of-the-box thinking on the part of Honeywell engineers. 

 Three features have made Honeywell’s axial turbines unique: zero-reaction aerodynamics, no nozzles and tall-blade design. The three characteristics, working in unison, enabled the axial turbines to attain higher specific speed, allowing for smaller size for the same flow, thereby lowering inertia by up to 40 percent. In addition, the axial turbines are designed for good efficiency under pulsating flows and improve catalyst light-off.

The adoption of axial turbine design, due to its smaller size, has created two technical challenges: speed match with compressor and thrust load balancing. on both accounts, Honeywell’s dual-compressor technology is a perfect match.

First adopted in Honeywell’s award-winning VNT™ DualBoost turbocharger for diesel engines, the dual-sided compressor provides a significantly higher operating speed for the same air flow. As a result, it’s an ideal speed match for the axial turbine wheel, and its smaller size reduces inertia by 20 percent, contributing to increased throttle responsiveness. The dual-sided design also allows for “zero thrust” from the compressor wheel, so there’s no need for the turbine wheel to balance “pulling” from the compressor side of the turbo.

Key Benefits
By adopting a system approach, Honeywell engineers succeeded in combining innovations in both turbine and compressor stage, and the result is a smaller turbo that matches the aerodynamics of a larger one while delivering 25 percent improvement in time to torque. Enabling faster acceleration and better fuel efficiency through extreme engine downsizing, Honeywell gasoline DualBoost offers a package irresistible to carmakers and drivers alike.