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차종별 터보차저 정보/크라이슬러 Jeep Chrysler

Jeep Wrangler(짚랭글러) 2.8 CRD 수입차터보차저정보 <명준Turbo ATD>

Jeep Wrangler(짚랭글러)2.8 CRD의 터보차저 고장은 전자식엑츄에이터에 있습니다. 그리고 커넥트단선점검도 필수입니다.

터보관련문의: 010 6294 3481 

정품신품터보(파격가)와 정품터보엑츄에이터 판매합니다.

중국산, 모조터보,중고터보는 취급하지 않습니다.

엔진형식과 차대번호로 문의를 하면 보다 상세한 정보를 제공합니다.


엔진코드: RA428, VM RA428KKKA, P428CW KK

터보규격: GT17계열


 Jeep Wrangler 2.8 CRD 터보고장수리정보입니다.

요약: 터보본체보다는 전자식 엑추에이터고장(정품단품은 공급이 되지 않습니다)이 빈번합니다. 엔진경고등이 들어오며서 출력제한이 작동합니다.

터보본체의 고장은 개조차에서 발생합니다. 특히 ECU고장이 있습니다. 

자동변속기와 실렉터 레버가 있습니다.실렉터 레버로 2H(전륜), 4H(고속사륜), 4L(저속사륜)

 토크위주로 타는 자동차입니다. 오프로드용이니깐....


엔진스펙은 간단합니다.

Wrangler 2.8 CRD
Engine: ENS RA428RT
Capacity: 2766 ccm


  엔진 사진


 터보차저의 위치





이 차종에 대해 튜닝은 대단히 발달되어 있습니다.(미국애들은 광적입니다)

엔진튜닝부터 실내외 튜닝, 악세서리류등등.... 


부스트압 과소인 경우 먼저 보는 것이 이 부품입니다.

인터쿨러호스가 잘 찢어집니다. 



이차종에 자주 발생하는 고장과 원인입니다.


Failed cylinder head gasket

are often caused by overheating due to poor cooling system maintenance or cooling system component failure, blown hose, split expansion tank, corroded housings. Symptoms include coolant being pushed out of expansion tank, excessive air bubbles from cooling system, chemical testing of the cooling system will confirm any hydrocarbons (exhaust gases) present.


Soft, warped, pitted cylinder head

are often the end result of the above issue. Pitting or deterioration of the cylinder head surface is often caused by poor coolant concentration.


Turbo bearing failure

due to poor servicing leads to blocked oil feed lines. The results can be catastrophic turbo impeller failure with fragments entering engine intake. symptoms (after bearing failure) include engine blowing blueish smoke from exhaust and lack of power.(*오일 피드라인의 막힘으로 인한 터보차저 손상 초래)


Broken timing belt,

more often than not the belt wasnt changed at the correct service interval. Abrupt engine failure (engine stops) with little or no warning. The engine depending on damage may or may not turn over. Damage is generally confined to bent exhaust valves and broken exhaust rockers (lift arms).


corroded or leaking oil cooler,

again is generally caused by poor cooling system maintenance.


Glow plugs failure

of more than one will cause hard cold starting.


Thermostat failure

Constant cold running, temp gauge continues to read below half even after a warm up period have been completed


Turbo adjustment incorrect

due to tampering, vacuum solenoid failure, symptoms include excessive black smoke from exhaust and engine detonation (mild to loud clacking sound)


Turbo variable vanes stuck

due to excess soot build up on exhaust side of turbo, the symptoms are as above (excessive black smoke)

터보 배기부분에 카본이 축적이 되어 베인 고착


Engine rear main seal failure

can be seen as mild to excessive oil leaks from between engine and transmission. 2.8lt turbo diesel engines there are technically two rear main seals.










